Helen Macguire taught Business and Computing Studies at Clackmannan College.
She became a member of the Forth Valley Health Council in 2000 and then the Scottish Health Council’s Local Advisory Committee. She was a lay assessor for several years with Quality Improvement Scotland (now Health Improvement Scotland), and the Royal College of General Practitioners. She has also been a lay member on the Scottish Trauma Audit Group.
A Clackmannanshire Public Partnership Forum representative she was on the Project Board for the new Clackmannanshire Community Health Centre. For the past 3 years she has been the Clackmannanshire service user representative on the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integrated Joint Board’s Strategic Planning Group. As chair of NHS Forth Valley’s Patient Public Panel Helen represents patients and public on several committees and groups including the Board’s Clinical Governance Committee and the Pharmacy Practices Committee.