Covid-19 Update – Message from Chief Officer
As part of our efforts to keep you informed, we will be issuing regular updates. These will include information on matters such as planning and resilience, operational service guidance, along with signposting to the latest national advice to ensure clear, consistent and timely sharing of information.
A number of planning and resilience arrangements have been put in place, including:
- Establishment of a local mobilisation centre
- Meetings of operational and strategic leaders from the mobilisation centre, initially twice per week
- Regular dialogue between service level staff and also at organisational level
- Development of a mobilisation plan, outlining planned contingency arrangements and resource requirements
- Arrangements to ensure access to supplies and equipment
Carolyn Wyllie, Head of Community Services, is meeting with each of our frontline teams to put in place preparations to ensure that our health and social care services continue to operate safely, and deliver support to those who need it most.
Wendy Forrest, Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement, is leading arrangements around planning and resilience.
Further information will be issued as it becomes available via Twitter, our HSCP website, and through the mobilisation centre to our teams and their service users, unpaid carers and our external service providers.
As you will appreciate, this is a changing situation and we would encourage you to keep up to date with national guidance issued by NHS Inform or on 0800 028 2816, and from the Scottish Government.
Further information specific to our partner organisations can be found at:
Clackmannanshire Council
Stirling Council
NHS Forth Valley
Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSi)
Stirling Voluntary Enterprise (SVE)
Annemargaret Black, Chief Officer
Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP