
NHS Forth Valley

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

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