
NHS Forth Valley

Locality Network Planning Group – Clackmannanshire

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Clackmannanshire to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Locality Network Planning Group – Rural Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Rural Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Locality Network Planning Group – Urban Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Urban Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

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