
NHS Forth Valley

Locality Network Planning Group – Clackmannanshire

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Clackmannanshire to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Locality Network Planning Group – Urban Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Urban Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Locality Network Planning Group – Rural Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Rural Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Locality Network Planning Group – Clackmannanshire

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Clackmannanshire to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Locality Network Planning Group – Rural Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Rural Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Locality Network Planning Group – Urban Stirling

Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Urban Stirling to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email:

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

Integration Joint Board Meeting

This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders

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