NHS FV Patient Participation Forum
Spiritual Care Centre Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert, United KingdomFor more information please email: fv.fvquality@nhs.scot
Recruitment Fair
McLaren Centre Mollands Rd, Callander, United KingdomClackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP are delighted to host a Recruitment Fair in Callander on Tuesday, 28th February at the McLaren Centre. Anyone interested in range of career opportunities working in health and social care – including the partnership’s current and upcoming vacancies would be most welcome. For more information please contact: Agnieszka Marek, Team Leader Email: mareka@stirling.gov.uk
Locality Network Planning Group – Clackmannanshire
Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP welcome local people living and working across Clackmannanshire to join our bi-monthly Locality Planning Network Group to help take forward our Locality Plan 2023-2026. To attend, or find out more please contact: Lesley Shaw, Service Improvement Manager Email: shawle@stirling.gov.uk
Integration Joint Board Meeting
This Board meeting is being held virtually via MS Teams; members of the public can observe the meeting here (passcode: AjNEE3). If you wish to observe, please familiarise yourself with the protocol on attending virtual meetings and standing orders, both of which are available below. Protocol for Virtual Meetings Standing Orders