Equipment for daily living
Making daily living easier
You may notice that some things are a bit more difficult for you or someone you care for. You might also be someone with a disability who is looking for something to help with different tasks.
Some examples might be getting in and out of the bath, going to the toilet, getting up from chairs or out of bed, preparing snacks and meals.
Sometimes, all we need are some tips on how to do things or some equipment to help. Examples of some equipment include:
- Chair raiser to make it easier to get up
- Stair rail to hold onto
- Grab rail to help you get in and out of the bath
- A trolley to help you take meals from one room to another
- A bed rail to help sitting up in bed
- Tin and jar openers
- Shoehorns and button hooks to help get dressed.
- Personal alarm you can wear if you need to call for help.
AskSARA is an online guided advice tool that can help you find solutions to make your daily living activities easier. It has been developed by professionals and can provide tips and advice to help make small changes that can help, and it can also suggest equipment or technology that will help.
It is anonymous and does not ask for any personal information (just a postcode at the end)
It provides impartial advice that enables older people and disabled people of all ages to live independently and maintain their lifestyle.
How do I use AskSARA?
AskSARA is simple and easy to use. You can complete it yourself, or with help from someone.
- Choose a topic you would like help with
- Answer the questions about you and your environment
- Get your personalised report with ideas and tips about ways to make things easier and details of equipment that might help, where to buy them. We also have information on organisations to contact for more information and support if needed.

How will using AskSARA benefit me?
- Obtain advice on daily living activities without the need for a formal assessment
- Allows you to make informed choices based on your needs
- You may know what you need but are unsure of where to look
How do I access AskSARA?
AskSARA is an online tool – which can be accessed at
Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership – AskSARA (
We recommend you try AskSARA first, before contacting Community Health and Social Care services. Completing this first will help understand what is available to you and if you feel you need more support. You can contact Community Health and Social Care Team on 00000 123 456. Text phone 00000 789 123
Daily Living Equipment
Once you have your report, you can purchase the equipment yourself directly from the retailers suggested by AskSARA (all retailers are vetted) or from retailers such as pharmacists, mobility shops, supermarkets, Argos or online retailers such as Amazon and eBay. Make sure you are buying from a reputable company.
If you choose to purchase any equipment yourself, you will be responsible for the full costs of whatever you decide to buy. Prices for equipment can be found on the websites of the retailers.
Contact Adult Social Care
You can contact Adult Social Care and we will carry out an assessment and discuss your difficulties and possible equipment solutions with you.
If following your assessment, we agree that you need equipment to make your day to day living easier, then we will fund the cost of the equipment that meets your need.
For residents in Clackmannanshire Council area, you can find out more at
Or contact 01259 452 498 or 01259 450 000
For residents in Stirling Council area, you can find out more at
Or contact 01786 404040