IJB Equality Outcomes 2021/22 to 2024/25 Consultation

The Equality Act 2010 requires all public bodies; such as Councils, Health Boards and Integration Joint Boards (Health and Social Care Partnerships) to publish equality outcomes at least every four years. Equality outcomes aim to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s lives, eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations between different groups.

The Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Boards current Equality Outcomes can be found on the website here. They were adopted based on local outcomes within the Integration Scheme and Strategic Plan. These are:

  • Self-Management – Individuals, their carers and families are enabled to manage their own health, care and wellbeing;
  • Community Focused Supports – Supports are in place, accessible and enable people, where possible, to live well for longer at home or in homely settings within their community;
  • Safety – Health and social care support systems help to keep people safe and live well for longer;
  • Decision Making – Individuals, their carers and families are involved in and are supported to manage decisions about their care and wellbeing;
  • Experience – Individuals will have a fair and positive experience of health and social care

This consultation aims to engage with all people in Clackmannanshire and Stirling to consider whether these outcomes continue to be the right ones for the area. In line with Scottish Government guidance to reduce social interaction and only travel for essential items, this consultation is being undertaken through an online survey, however other feedback can be provided by emailing the HSCP mailbox.

Thank you for your support.